NoraOn Monday (a Tuesday schedule), November 23, 2009, in Chardon 121, the next workshop in the new Course Colloquium Sequence (a series of workshops for which 0066, 3101-3102, 3201-3202, and 3103-3104 meet in common) will take place with guest speaker and Graduate Teaching Assistant Nora Falvey who will faciliate the workshop, ” Evaluating Online Resources”.

This date is a make-up date for the meeting canceled in October due to the academic recess. All faculty members and English Department students are invited to attend and all participants will receive 1.5 hours of professional development (CEP) time for their attendance.

Please contact Mary Sefranek at if you have any questions whatsoever about this meeting or date.

To print out a copy of the announcement, click here.

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