
English majors from either Literature or Linguistics may choose to complete the Teacher Certification Program.  Aspiring teachers have set a curriculum which entails the completion of certain classes in education. As a result, the students from the English Department at the University of Puerto Rico, Mayagüez Campus routinely score the highest on the Teacher Certification Exam given by Puerto Rico’s Department of Education.

Teacher Certification Curriculum


Director: Dr. Santiago Méndez Hernández (santiago.mendez@upr.edu)

Student Affairs Officer I: Sr. Ismael Acosta Caraballo (ismael.acosta@upr.edu)

Email Teacher Preparation Program: ppm@uprm.edu
Phone: (787) 832-4040 Ext. 2210

Additional Links:

Programa de Preparación de Maestros UPRM

Cronograma de planificación de cursos para los próximos cuatro años
