Location: Chardón 323

Open Monday through Friday:

7:45am to 11:45pm

1:00pm to 4:30pm

If you have any inquiries regarding our website, notify us here!

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Staff Contact

DirectorDr. Rosa I. Roman Perezrosa.roman3@upr.edu
Interim Associate Director (Vacant)
Coordinator of Undergraduate Academic CounselingMarién Villanueva Vegamarien.villanueva@upr.edu
Administrative Assistant IV Maricarmen Brito Díazmaricarmen.brito@upr.edu
Administrative Secretary I (Vacant)
Language Lab TechnicianLuis Alberto Cruzalbert.cruz@upr.edu
Graduate Representative
Undergraduate Representative (Vacant)

For general inquiries, please contact the department email: ingles.uprm@upr.edu