Graduate students Lisa Ortiz Guzmán and Yolanda Padilla Lebrón and faculty member Jocelyn A. Géliga Vargas recently precented their ongoing research projects at the Primer Encuentro de Investigadores Cualitativos de Puerto Rico (First Conference of Qualitative Researchers in Puerto Rico) held at the University of Puerto Rico-Río Piedras from April 15-17, 2010.
Padilla Lebrón and Ortiz Guzmán participated in an action research panel coordinated by Drs. Rima Brusi and Walter Díaz (Department of Social Sciences, UPRM) titled Inequidad educativa y estratificación social en la educación superior en Puerto Rico (Educational Inequality and Social Stratification in Higher Education in Puerto Rico), which was held on Thursday, April 15. Padilla Lebrón’s presentation was titled Investigación acción participativa: la escritura como agente de cambio social (Participatory Action Research: Writing as an Agent of Social Change). Ortiz Guzmán’s presentation was titled Defining English Expectations through Action Research at UPRM.
On Friday, April 16 Géliga Vargas and other members of the Afro-Puerto Rican Testimonies Research Colective (Inés Canabal, Luis Daniel Cruz, Tania Delgado, Alfredo González, Brunilda Rosa and Rosa I. Rosa) delivered a presentation titled Investigar para transformar: testimonios de una investigación colaborativa sobre historia oral afropuertorriqueña (Research as Transformation: Testimonies from a Collaborative Afro-Puerto Rican Oral History Project).
The First Conference of Qualitative Researchers in Puerto Rico was organized by the Unión Puertorriqueña de Investigadores Cualitativos and the Department of Graduate Studies of the Faculty of Education at UPR-Río Piedras.