On Thursday, February 25th, 2010, Drs. Judy Casey and Liz Dayton will host the last Sequence Course Colloquium meeting of the 2009-2010 academic year, a pilot program initiated in August of 2009 to enable course coordination committees to pool their resources and to promote more opportunities for professional development in the Department of English. Drs. Casey and Dayton’s presentation, “Using the Writing Center as a Grammar Resource” is open to all faculty and students in the English Department and will outline writing center approaches to tutoring ESL/EFL students in composition and grammar. Participants will learn how tutoring sessions relate to classroom instruction and how using the writing center may benefit students’ individual language development. This meeting will take place in Chardón 324 from 10:30 to 12:00 and those attending will receive 1.5 hours of professional development credit for their participation. To access a copy of the flyer, click here.