Students and faculty of the English Department are cordially invited to attend the thesis defenses that will take place this May:
Wednesday, May 6 @ 2:00 pm (Chardón 319): Sandra Soto
Thursday, May 7 @ 2:30 pm (Sala Asuntos de Académicos, Rectoría): Awilda Nieves
Friday, May 8 @ 1:30 pm (Chardón 319): Zaira Arvelo
Tuesday, May 12 @ 2:30 pm (Chardón 326) Lizzel Martínez
Tuesday, May 12 @ 5:00 pm (Chardón 323): Magaly Duprey
Punctuality is required; doors will be closed at the beginning of the defense.
Please see flyer below for additional information.