Contributors rejoice! The image and file space limitation is over. Thanks to our new ETC Webmaster, Javier, we have a new system to upload images and files so we can add them to our postings.
Here’s the procedure to upload the files onto the server:
- Click on the “Upload Files” Page on the top of the blog.
- Click on the “Browse” button to select a file from your computer.
- Enter the password: “english”
- Click “Upload.” The file should appear in the list below.
To insert the file and/or image into your posting:
- Right click on the link to the file and select “Copy Link Location” from the list.
- Log in to WordPress in the blog to write a posting.
- Wherever you’d like to place the image or a link to the file, click on the icon for “Insert Image” or “Insert Media” (in the case of a file).
- Right click into the space where you’re asked for a URL and select “paste.”
- Click OK and it’s done!
In the case of an image, you may either specify a size in the window before clicking OK, or manually reduce it by grabbing it by a corner and pulling it to the new size.
That’s it.
p.s. We haven’t yet given the option to delete files, so please be sure you’re uploading the right file or that you’re not uploading sensitive information. You can always contact the ETC to have the file deleted.
Original post by Leonardo Flores