Important information for MAEE students and faculty advisors!
Please be aware of two recent OGS policy changes pertaining, specifically, to: (1) students planning to change degree completion options; and (2) students planning to submit theses in December, 2010 or thereafter.
1) Students planning to switch degree completion options (SEE OGS MEMO: MemoOGSChangeofPlanNov2010)
The first policy updates the memo sent by the OGS in February, 2010 (which I forwarded to you and posted on the blog) indicating that beginning August 2010, students who wished to switch degree completion options (from thesis to comprehensive exam or vice versa) had to request an internal transfer at least one semester prior to enrolling in thesis or submitting the Request to take the Exam. Effective NOVEMBER, 2010 this will not be necessary for MAEE students. As indicated in the attached memo by the OGS Director and the UPRM Registrar, only Engineering students will be required to request the internal transfer; Arts & Sciences students will only need to complete the form titled “SOLICITUD DE CAMBIO DE PLAN DENTRO DEL MISMO PROGRAMA GRADUADO” (included in the attached document) and submit it to the Registrar’s Office.
2) Students submitting theses to the OGS (SEE OGS MEMO: guiaproquest.pdf)
Beginning this semester, the OGS has adopted a new protocol for the on-line publication of UPRM thesis and dissertations. While students are still required to submit the final and approved version of the thesis (in pdf format) to the OGS by the deadline established in the academic calendar, they are now responsible for the digital publication of their manuscripts. The attached memo by the OGS director includes detailed instructions on how to use ProQuest for the digital publication (and optional print publication) of your thesis.
Please save these documents for future reference.
TO: Graduate Students & Faculty, MAEE Program
FR: Jocelyn A. Géliga Vargas, Graduate Program Coordinator
RE: Office of Graduate Studies announces new policies
DT: November 23, 2010