The English Department’s sponsorship of a death penalty lecture by two invited guest speakers, Federal Public Defender Joseph C. Laws, Jr. and Assistant Federal Public Defender Victor Gonzalez-Bothwell from the Federal District Court of Puerto Rico, was a resounding success on Tuesday, November 3, 2009, with over three hundred students filling the Nursing Amphitheater beyond capacity. This lecture was offered as a requisite component of the INGL 3103 (Intermediate Writing I) course this semester which focuses on the composition of non-fiction based essays (primarily on current issues). Over 1,100 students are enrolled in this course and the lecture will be included as one of the required text “readings” for their final exam, which will focus on the death penalty. Live webcasting was provided for the event and a digital link will soon be made available for students and professors who were unable to attend due to class conflicts. While the public was primarily comprised of students enrolled in INGL 3103, students from various social sciences and philosophy courses attended as well. Faculty from other departments were also present. The lecture was given in English, but students’ questions were welcomed and addressed in both English and Spanish. Thanks to all those who supported this effort and helped to direct the flow of student traffic so that the public could enter and exit the auditorium with relative ease.