Close-up of the UPRM logo.

Did you know that most English majors and graduate students are eligible to apply for a $500-$5,000 scholarship every year?

The Hispanic Scholarship Fund has scholarship programs for Hispanic high school, college, and graduate students who will be enrolled next academic year. The application process is simple, but requires writing an essay– English students can do this in their sleep– filling in a FAFSA, getting transcripts, and requesting faculty recommendations. The deadline is March 30.

Did you know that there’s an internship program that pays $300 per week and has opportunities in the Summer and every semester?

The HACU National Internship Program places Hispanic students in paid internships in government agencies and with corporate partners, many of them in the Washington DC area. They also provide support with orientation and affordable housing during the internship period (10 weeks in the summer, 15 weeks in the semesters). The application is also simple, though it requires an essay, transcripts, enrollment verification, and recommendation letters in advance. The deadline for Summer internships is February 15.

Did you know the Córdova y Fernós Congressional Internship Program, fully funded by Puerto Rico’s Legislature?

Go spend a semester in Washington DC in a fully funded internship, including travel and lodging costs, working in one of many Congressional offices, TV stations, or with journalism or politics. The Córdova y Fernós program pays for the internship and The Washington Center places you in an internship that is well suited for your preparation. Here are some details on the application process. The deadline for Fall 2016 internships is April 1.

Did you know that our students have done this already?

Now it’s your turn! 🙂

P.S. If you have any questions, please drop by during my office hours.