- Rank: Full Professor
- Education: Education: PhD, University of the West Indies in Barbados, 2003
- Research Areas: 20th and 21st Century Literature, Modernism, Film and Media, Visual Narration, Narratology, Postcolonialism
- Office: CH-326A
- Email: mary.leonard@upr.edu
Mary Leonard has a PhD. in Literature from the University of the West Indies. She is the founder and director of the UPRM Film Certificate, an 18 credit curricular sequence in film, as well as the faculty advisor of Cinémathèque, UPRM’s student film association. Her dissertation was on the American Modernist writer Djuna Barnes, and she has published articles on Djuna Barnes, on Alvaro Mutis, and on topics such as women filmmakers in Puerto Rico and the Dominican Republic, the documentary film in Puerto Rico and in the Dominican Republic, and Fiction and Non-Fiction Narrative. Her article “Borders and Debordering in Twentieth and Twenty-First Century Photography: Icon, Mosaic, and Flow” will be published in the book Borders and Debordering: Topologies, Praxes, Hospitableness, forthcoming in 2018 from Lexington Books, Rowman and Littlefield. She was Calvin B. Grimes Scholar in Residence at New York University in 2015. She regularly teaches Film History, Film Theory, Modern British Literature, Introduction to the Novel, The Novel in English Literature, and The Literature of British Postcolonies.