The Reading Rock Series in PR, organized by MAEE candidate Karrieann Soto Vega, and taking place the week of October 6th through the 10th, drew students and faculty from both the Department and across the campus. Overall, over 300 attendees participated in this interactive dialogue with performing artists from the local area. Graduate Teaching Assistants Emily Aguiló, Jessica Lauer, Yolanda Padilla, and Wilfredo Mercado took their INGL 3103, 3201, and 3202 classes, while a number of other Departmental students and faculty also attended. For the artists, the series offered a unique opportunity to personally interact with Colegio students and to experiment with acoustic sound in the Anfiteatro Figueroa Chapel. Participating students remarked on the unconventional educational setting and made dynamic connections between traditional literary writing processes and the artists’ collaborative production of lyrics and music. Karrieann would especially like to thank the Department of English for its generous support of this activity, which represents a significant component of her MAEE thesis research, and Professor Guillermo Gomez, in particular, for facilitating the presentation of his documentary on the punk scene in Puerto Rico.