As you settle into your Fall semester routine and have a little time to plan ahead for your future, you might want to take a look at some scholarship, internship, and exchange program opportunities available to you.
This blog regularly reports on opportunities for undergraduate and graduate students, which you can always explore using the scholarships and internships tags. To stay up to date, you can subscribe to this blog via e-mail (you’ll receive 2-3 messages per week from our server Tron), like our Facebook page, or follow our Twitter account.
Here are some opportunities and resources worth highlighting at this time:
- Fulbright International Exchange program – deadline: Friday, September 9.
- Universia’s article “71 becas para puertorriqueños que expiran en septiembre.”
- Universia’s scholarship search engine
- University of Puerto Rico Alumni and Friends Abroad (UPRAA) Scholarships – deadline: October 1.
- Internado Arturo Morales Carrión (more info here)- deadline: October 21.
- HACU Internships – deadline for Spring 2017 internships: October 21.
- Hispanic Scholarship Fund – March 30, 2017.
All of the internships, scholarships, and exchange programs mentioned here are paid and well enough for you to travel and live in the US or abroad for a semester, academic year, or the duration of your studies.
These are life changing opportunities and you should take the time to explore them.