A labyrinth with the sentence The Ultimate Guide to English Courses: Spring 2019 Edition.

Do you need to enroll in English courses in the Spring? Then this guide is for you!

Students Completing Institutional English Requirements

  • See the General Education English Sequences to know which courses you can take to fulfill your institutional requirements for English.
  • Reminders:
    • Basic English (3101-3102) leads to Reading and Composition (3201-3202/3209/3289) NOT to Intermediate English.
    • Students who took 3201 (Reading and Composition I) can take any of the following courses in the Spring:
      • INGL 3202: Reading and Composition II
      • INGL 3289: Conversational English
      • INGL 3209: Science Writing
    • Intermediate English (3103-3104) leads to electives in English (listed in the link above) NOT to Advanced English.
    • Advanced English (3211-3212) fulfills your institutional English requirements, but are NOT equivalent to electives in English.
    • Please be clear about what sequence you’re in and satisfy those requirements to avoid graduation delays later.
  • You can take a look at the Spring 2019 schedule here, keeping in mind that the document is color coded for English Department Students.

BA in English Students

MAEE Students

  • Consult the Graduate Course Requirements and discuss them with your advisor to decide which courses to enroll in and when.
  • The Course Offering Master Schedule to know when courses are offered and which courses you need to take.
  • Here’s the Spring 2019 schedule, color coded for your convenience.
  • For course promos on some of the courses, check out the courses category in our blog.
  • If you’re planning to do an Independent Research (INGL 6995), please remember to have the professor submit a brief syllabus that describes the research activities and how you will be evaluated.
  • For registration, meet with Dr. Leonardo Flores in the English Department anytime during the registration period. Walk-in availability:
    • MWF: 9:00-12:00, 1:00-4:00 (except W 2:30-3:30 and F 10:30-11:30)
    • T,Th: 1:00-4:00.
