Students present at the department hosted annual Undergraduate Mixer where students get a chance to meet their advisors and find out the associations that they can join.

The department hosted the annual Undergraduate Mixer in order for students to meet their advisors and to inform them on associations that they can join. This took place at CH-326, with Prof. Nancy V. Vicente informing students on the importance of meeting with your advisors and keeping track of your curriculum, and presentations by EDSA (English Department Student Association) and PCSA (Pop Culture Student Association).

We highly recommend all students to meet with their advisors at least once a semester, and to bring an updated transcript for a curriculum evaluation. This is very important to make sure no problems are encountered once it’s time for graduation. This is also important if you’re interested in doing a curricular sequence in Education, Film, or Writing and Communication. You may e-mail your advisor to set up an appointment.


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