Visual Proofs

Abstract: Visualization is fundamental to mathematics. The late Fields Medalist Bill Thurston began practicing visualization every day as a first grader. We will practice our visualization and will present visual proofs from combinatorics, analysis, geometry, and topology. Important questions arise including: are visual proofs rigorous? Virtual meeting link

Identifying Outliers in Radio Astronomy Data Using the Generalized Spectral Kurtosis Estimator

Abstract: As innovation and technologies associated with man-made transmissions progress, complex and new challenges emerge in radio astronomy due to Radio Frequency Interference (RFI). Hence, novel development of software and hardware to detect and mitigate its effects on scientific data are paramount. In this talk we will discuss the successful implementation of the Generalized Spectral…

Dynamics Beyond Spacetime

Abstract Many high-energy theoretical physicists say that “spacetime is doomed,” that spacetime is not fundamental because it has no operational meaning beyond the Planck scale. In the last decade they have found structures beyond spacetime, such as decorated permutations, which predict the amplitudes for scattering processes of particles in spacetime. We show that decorated permutations…

INFOMATE Semestre de Otoño 2023

MODALIDAD: A DISTANCIA. Para matricula y pago visite: Secciones disponibles: Sección 001: 4 de octubre al 29 de noviembre de 2023, Lunes y Miercoles, de 4:30-6:30 pm (Horario sujeto a cambios. A ser informados por el Instructor) Sección 002: 5 de octubre al 30 de noviembre de 2023, Martes y Jueves, de 4:30-6:30 pm…

Algunas Factorizaciones Ordenadas

Defensa de tesis de Francisco De Jesús Pagán, estudiante de maestría en Matemática Pura del departamento de Ciencias Matemáticas. Dirigida por el Dr. Reyes M. Ortiz Albino. Sera presentada el 4 de mayo de 2023, a las 10:30am, dentro del Recinto en el edificio de Administración de Empresas (AE), salon 203C.