First Year

First Semester Pre-requisites Second Semester
MATE 3005* (5)
Pre-calculus I and II
MATE 3005 or
MATE 3172
MATE 3031* (4)
Calculus I
EDFU 3011 (3)
Human Growth and Development
EDFU 3012 (3)
Fundamentals of Educational Psychology
CIBI 3031 (3)
Biological Sciences I
CIBI 3031 CIBI 3032 (3)
Biological Sciences II
ESPA 3101 (3)
Basic Spanish I
ESPA 3101 ESPA 3102 (3)
Basic Spanish II
INGL 3— (3)
INGL 3— (3)
Total credits 17 Total credits 16

Second Year

Pre-requisites Third Semester Pre-requisites Fourth Semester
MATE 3031 MATE 3032* (4)
Calculus II
MATE 3032 MATE 3063* (3)
Calculus III
MATE 3031 MATE 3020* (3)
Int. to Mathematical Foundations
MATE 3172 o MATE 3005 MATE 3030* (3)
Int. Geometry
MATE 3031 HIST 3241 or 3242* (3)
Puerto Rico History
MATE 3171 or
MATE 3005
COMP 3010 (3)
Int. Computer Programming I
ESPA 3— (3)
ESPA 3— (3)
EDFI —- (1)
Pyhisical Education
EDFI —- (1)
Pyhisical Education
Total credits 18 Total credits 18


Pre-requisites Fifth Semester Pre-requisites Sixth Semester
MATE 3032 MATE 4031* (3)
Linear Algebra
MATE 3020 MATE 4008* (3)
Int. Algebraic Structures
MATE 3032 MATE 3040* (3)
Number Theory
MATE 3005 o MATE 3172 MATE 3181* (3)
Discrete Mathemathics
MATE 3031 and
COMP 3010
ESMA 3016 (3)
Statistical Data Analysis
EDFU 4019 (3)
Philosophers Fund. of Education
EDFU 3007 (3)
Social Fund. of Education
EDPE 3077* (3)
Int. to Technology in Education
HIST 3111 or 3112* (3)
United Stes History
HUMA 3111 INGLE 3—(3)
INGL 3—(3)
Total credits 18 Total credits 18

Fourth Year

Pre-requisites Seventh Semester Pre-requisites Eighth Semester
DIR EDPE 4145* (3)
Theory and Methodology Teaching Mathematics
DIR and EDPE 4145 EDPE 4146* (6)
Math Teaching Practice
MATE 3020 MATE 4023* (3)
Mathemathics Education I
MATE 4023 and
EDPE 3129
MATE 4039* (2)
Use of Technology Teaching Mate
MATE 4120* (3)
Mathemathics History
HUMA 3111 HUMA 3112 (3)
Int. Western Culture II
HUMA 3111 (3)
Int. Western Culture I
EDES 4006 (3)
Natu. y Nec. Exceptional Child
Total credits 18 Total credits 18

Courses with * are specialty courses
EDPE 4145 prerequisite: EDFU3001-3002, EDFU3007, EDFU4019, EDPE3129 AND 18 credits approved in mathematics


IMPORTANT: To obtain the Secondary Level Mathematics Teacher Certification from the Department of Education of Puerto Rico, this requires an average of 3.00 in specialty and general.
It is recommended to take one of the following courses in fundamentals of education as a free elective to fulfill Certification requirements:

  • EDFU 3017 Measurement and Evaluation of Learning
  • EDFU 4006 The child and his social environment
  • EDFU 3055 Legal Aspects
  • EDPE 4055: Strategies for inclusion
  • EDUC 5005 Introduction to the STEAM Teaching Strategy

Science Electives


FISI 3151/3153 Modern College Physics I and Laboratory I
FISI 3152/3154 Modern College Physics II and Laboratory II
FISI 3171/3173 Physics I and Laboratory I
FISI 3172/3174 Physics II and Laboratory II


QUIM 3131/3133 Chemistry I and Laboratory I
QUIM 3132/3134 Chemistry II and Laboratory II


GEOL 3025 Earth Sciences
GEOL 3026 Life in the Past
GEOL 3027 Geological Aspects of Environmental Sciences
GEOL 3045 Planetary Geology
GEOL 3046 Earth Resources
GEOL 3055 Morphological and Optical Crystallography
GEOL 3056 Crystalline Chemistry and Geochemistry of Mineral Systems

You may find a printable PDF version of the program here.