Applied Mathematics Program
Applied mathematics involves applications of mathematical methods and techniques to explore, and describe behavior of scientific, industrial, and engineering phenomena. The applied mathematics program is interdisciplinary in spirit. It is based on principles of mathematical continuous modeling, computer simulation, linear programming, optimization, operations research, bioinformatics, numerical methods, etc. The applied mathematics program appeals to individuals who are interested in applying their mathematical interests and skills to real-world problems. Applicants should have an undergraduate degree in Mathematics or its equivalent. Candidates are expected to have approved undergraduate courses in Multivariable calculus, Linear Algebra, Ordinary Differential Equations, Numerical Analysis and Advanced Calculus. It is also recommended to have some programming experience using a high level language such as C\C++, and/or a mathematical package such as Matlab and Mathematica.
In addition to the requirements of the Office of Graduate Studies, the Master of Science degree in Pure Mathematics, has three options of study, thesis (Plan I), project (Plan II), and thesis or project (Plan III).