The University of Puerto Rico at Mayagüez will host the XXXVIII Interuniversity Seminar on Research in the Mathematical Sciences (SIDIM) on February 24 and 25, 2023 at Bussines Administritation building. SIDIM is an annual gathering where researchers, professors, teachers, graduate, and undergraduate students share and discuss their recent work in mathematics and computer science. Its diverse and intense scientific program provides an interesting cross-section of the current status of mathematical research in Puerto Rico. Math faculty, students from all the higher learning institutions in Puerto Rico, and distinguished visiting mathematicians will participate in the meeting.

SIDIM’s history has been closely intertwined with the growth and development of our department. We hosted the first SIDIM and have successfully organized seven previous editions of the Meeting. We are happy to see that the efforts to promote mathematical research activity in Puerto Rico have fruitfully produced 38 uninterrupted years of SIDIM activities. After two consecutive years of virtual activities, hosting the XXXVIII edition of SIDIM is a special homecoming. We enthusiastically invite the mathematical community to join us by submitting SIDIM’s electronic registration form. General information on the organization and logistics of the XXXVIII SIDIM will be posted on this website. Additional information on the scope and history of SIDIM may be found on the Permanent SIDIM Committee webpage.

Invited Presentations:
  • Dr. Felix Gotti, MIT. Research interest: the study of the phenomenon of non-uniqueness of factorizations into irreducibles in integral domains and atomic monoids using combinatorics, linear algebra, and number theory techniques. He has published over 40 articles. (Google Scholar)
  • Dr. Irena Swanson, Purdue University. Research Interest: commutative algebra. is also a creator of mathematical quilts and is the inventor of a quilting technique, “tube piecing,” for making quilts more efficiently. She has published over 60 articles and written three books. (Website)
  • Dr. Ayman Badawi, American University of Sharjah. Research interest: Commutative Ring Theory: Multiplicative Ideal Theory. His work is devoted to φ-Commutative Rings: a class of commutative rings containing integral domains. He has published over 70 articles and written two books.(Google Scholar)
Mini-symposiums on special topics.
  • Concurrent sessions of individual talks and research posters in Pure and Applied Mathematics, Statistics, Computer Science, Data Science, and Mathematics Education; · Research poster sessions for students.
  • A Math Graduate School and Summer Institute Fair. This is a singular opportunity to connect with undergraduate & graduate Hispanic-American students interested in furthering their education in the mathematical sciences. Institutions participating in the Fair have consistently identified and recruited talented minority students for undergraduate research experiences, internships, graduate school, and even post-doctoral positions.
  • Exhibition booths for math book publishers and computer companies.
Instructions for abstract submission

Contributed and Poster Presentations: We invite participants to submit abstracts of contributed or poster presentations in the following areas: mathematics (pure or applied), computer science, mathematics education, and statistics.

Mini-symposiums: We invite those participants interested in organizing a mini-symposium to submit a proposal to the SIDIM Committee by no later than the due date listed at the bottom of this page. Mini-symposium organizers will select the topics to be addressed, obtain speakers for those topics, decide with each speaker on the title of his/her presentation, and provide other information as needed. SIDIM and the conference organizing committee will not be able to waive the registration fee for mini-symposium organizers and speakers or reimburse their expenses. Therefore, mini-symposium organizers should make no financial commitments on behalf of SIDIM to speakers when organizing their mini-symposium.

The abstracts for contributed and poster presentations and mini-symposiums must be submitted to the SIDIM Organizing Committee at

Abstracts may be submitted in any of the common formats: TeX, Latex (preferred), or MS Word. Please use the following document as a guideline for writing style: Abstract-Template.



The abstract proposal must be related to the topics listed above. The presentations will last twenty (25) minutes (20 minutes for presentation and 5 minutes for questions). Except for the keynotes that will be 50 minutes and choose by the SIDIM Organizing Committee.


Posters should be prepared with the following dimensions: 4 feet high x 3 feet wide (48 inches x 36 inches). Participants will be responsible for bringing your printed poster. Poster boards will be provided by the SIDIM Organizing Committee.


The Organizing Committee of the SIDIM 2023 invites interested parties to submit proposals for thematic sessions (mini-symposiums).


SIDIM’s Thematic Sessions (Mini-symposiums) provide a mechanisms to gather common interest groups of the proponents on subjects that may not have enough numbers to organize a separate congress, thus avoiding the complexities of the organization of a full meeting.


A Thematic Session may be:

  • Focused: specialized in a research current subject. Its main purpose is the discussion between peers that reflect or could evolve in collaborative research.
  • International: with participants from different countries and/or regions showing diverse approaches to a research area.
  • Tutorials: to communicate state-of-the-art on a subject to an audience not necessarily familiar with that area.
  • Educational: undergraduate and graduate mathematical education. This may include curricular development and/or assessment, professional development, and projects formulated for, or produced by, developing mathematicians.


A Thematic Session or Mini-symposium consists of four talks in a two hours period. The organizer will start the session with an overview of the session content. The first 40 minutes talk consists of a panoramic view of the subject by a person of recognized authority by the intended audience. Three 25 minutes sessions will follow with talks on the specialized area. All four periods should allow for at least five minutes of questions and/or discussion.

Proposal content

A proposal for a Thematic Session of Mini-symposium should submit the following information:

  • Title: Describe the subject area as accurately and specifically as possible.
  • Organizer: Provide the complete name, affiliation, postal and electronic address, and telephone number of the organizer.
  • Summary: Describe your Thematic Session or Mini-symposium in about 300 words as it will appear in the congress program. A text addressed to specialists and researchers from related areas is recommended. The following outline is also suggested:
    • Explain the problem area to be addressed by the speakers and its importance.
    • Identify current research directions and methods being developed to solve problems, including their advantages and shortcomings.
    • Describe the scope of your mini-symposium.
  • Support: List the sponsors that will fund travel, housing, and stipends for speakers as they should appear in the program (if applicable).
  • Speakers: List the complete names, affiliations, postal and electronic addresses, and talk titles for all proposed speakers. Talks abstracts should be provided by SIDIM’s abstract submission deadline. Be sure to mark the appropriate mini-symposium title when submitting the abstracts for the session.


  • The mini-symposium organizer should take special care in selecting a first speaker who could provide a panoramic view of the subject area and its open problems and suggest new research venues. Researchers with such capacity and motivation are especially welcome to submit proposals.
  • Mini-symposium organizers are encouraged to reflect diversity and balance in the speakers’ genders and ethnic backgrounds and the type of institution they are affiliated with.
  • Speakers preferably may not have the same affiliation or be co-authors of the works being presented.
  • SIDIM inscription and activities fees are not waived for mini-symposia speakers. The organizer who wishes to incentivize participants should provide the corresponding payments to the SIDIM Organizing Committee.

Evaluation and deadlines

The proponents should send proposals to by January 31, 2023. SIDIM’s Technical Committee will evaluate the proposals for thematic sessions and notify organizers of final approval.

Additional Information:

For additional information you may contact the SIDIM 2023 Organizing Committee by email, or by phone at (787) 850-9386.

The registration fees for the SIDIM are:
By February 15, 2023 After February 15, 2023
Regular Participant
(including speakers)
$25 $30
Student $10 $15

Please redirect to to the payment and registration form.

Universtiy of Puerto Rico at Mayagüez – ADEM building

259 Blvd. Alfonso Valdés Cobián


Local Organizing Committee

  • Dr. Pedro Vásquez
  • Dr. Omar Colón
  • Dr. Reyes Ortiz
  • Dr. Ángel Cruz
  • Dr. Alejandro Vélez
  • Dra. Karen Ríos
  • Dr. Roberto Rivera
  • Dr. Edwin Flórez
  • Dr. Alcibiades Bustillo
  • Prof. Julián Jiménez
  • Mrs. Madeline Ramos
  • Mrs. Zoraida Arroyo
  • Submission of abstracts: January 31, 2023
  • Acceptance notification: February 15, 2023
  • Full registration (including fees payment): February 15, 2023


Department of Mathematical Sciences, the University of Puerto Rico at Mayagüez


For additional information, you may contact the SIDIM 2023 Organizing Committee by email at or by phone at (787) 832-4040, x3285, x3848,