The Centro de Aprendizaje y Éxito (RUMbo EX) is a federally-funded project that provides tutoring, professional counseling, webinars, workshops, community projects, and other forms of academic support to help UPRM students, especially first-year students, succeed academically and professionally. 

RUMbo EX currently offers consultations in physics, math, chemistry, biology and programming. For remote consultations, the center has separate Microsoft Team groups for

first-year and general students, where students may speak directly with tutors to schedule a consultation. 

 The center also offers professional career counseling, clinical psychology services, and consultations on studying methods. To set up an appointment or ask questions, consult the contact information below: 

  • Dr. Julio A. Cruz Rodríguez
    • Career Counseling                             
  • Dra. Norma J. García Trabal
  • Sra. Mei-Ling Muñoz Báez                                 

RumboEx has sponsored several projects for benefit of UPRM students –lessons and reviews about Physics I and II hosted on the Asesores Rumbo YouTube channel, and many other lessons related on other skills that are essential for university students are posted on the official RumboEx page, such as learning how to work with groups and how to study effectively. The center even co-sponsored the production of La Uni. a web mini-series about the colegial experience.