Classes are over and finals are among us, yet throughout all the madness there was still time to celebrate a special occasion. On Wednesday, May 11, the English Department held a Breakfast for Champions to commemorate the students who completed either their Bachelor of Arts or their Master of Arts in English Education.
Sadly, most of the students were not able assist, but it did not stop professors Rosita Rivera, Nancy Vicente, Gayle Griggs, Betsy Morales, Sandra Soto and Gabriel Romaguera from celebrating the accomplishments of the ones who did attend.
The professors, in high spirits, got the graduation march as background music, while the students went up to get their certificate from our department Director Rosita Rivera and Associate Director Nancy Vicente, while congratulating them in completing their journey.
All in all, the students and professors made the best of the celebration. They ate a delicious breakfast, courtesy of Mesón Sandwiches, and the students shared their future plans.
The undergrads and grads who attended the event were Mellowes Award recipients Demi Fuentes and Ana Portnoy, Alejandro Silva, Yeimi Altiery, Christian Keough, Willie James, Raúl Figueroa and Lauren Estela Mangonez.
Overall, it was a great event and the professors could not be any more prouder of their students.
Here are some photos of the event below. Enjoy!
- Demi Fuentes (Mellow’s Award Recipient)
- Alejandro Silva
- Yeimi Altiery
- Ana Portnoy (Mellow’s Award Recepient)
- Lauren Estela
- The professors!
- Willie James
- Raúl Figueroa
- Attendees
- Christian Keough