The Department of English cordially invites its undergraduate students to an activity on Thursday, December 7 in which they will learn about internships and other professional opportunities through the experiences of 4 English majors. The purpose of this activity is to open the eyes of all English majors towards the very real opportunities within their reach.
Our four panelists will be sharing the stories of their journeys and the programs they participated in. This event will be held in CH-326 during universal hour (10:30 AM- 12:00 PM). Don’t miss out on this great opportunity to learn about these wonderful research and internship experiences.
Our panelists will be:
This Summer program is a teaching fellowship for undergraduate students who are enrolled on education courses or want to explore teaching. Read more about this opportunity and experience in this blog post.
After being a HACU-HNIP intern during the 2016 Summer and working as a technical editor in the US Department of Agriculture – Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service, this summer she participated in a research program at The Ohio State University. Take a look at her resume here and see how this experienced has enriched it.
This past Spring semester she was able to participate in the Córdova & Fernós Congressional Internship Program and interned in the office of Congressman Darren Soto from Florida’s 9th District. On the activity that will be held on September 26, Valdés will discuss all the activities and experiences she gained while being part of the program. Read more about Andrea’s experience here and take a look at how this internship improved her resume here.
This 10-week paid internship is for those who wish to focus on language research. Interns get the chance to work along with Ohio State University faculty members in a cutting edge lab located inside the Center of Science and Industry (COSI). They also get the chance to learn how to communicate with professionals and with the public. See how this experience helps improve Amanda’s resume.
To all those interested in embarking on thrilling internships or other professional journeys, this activity is a must so that you can do your research, find the ones that fit your desires and and apply for them. The English Department has compiled a list of opportunities here.