All Department Faculty and Graduate Teaching Assistants are invited to a new initiative in the 2009-2010 academic year, the Course Coordination Colloquia Sequence!
This pilot project will be offered collaboratively across the 066, 3101-3102, 3201-3202, and 3103-3104 course coordination committees in the 2009-2010 academic year as an on-going series of workshops.
The dates, facilitators, and titles of the workshops for the 2009-2010 academic year are:
- Thursday, September 24th (hosted by INGL 066) “Using Online Dictionaries as Resources for Emergent Bilingual Writers” (to be facilitated by Dr. Cathy Mazak)
- Tuesday, October 13th (hosted by INGL 3103/3104) “Evaluating Online Sources” (to be facilitated by GTA Nora Falvey)
- Thursday, February 25th (hosted by INGL 3201/3202) “Using the Writing Center as a Grammar Resource” (to be facilitated by Drs. Judy Casey and Liz Dayton)
- Tuesday, March 25th (hosted by 3101-3102) “The Reading and Writing Connection in a Theme-based ESL Course: Some Issues to Consider” (to be facilitated by Dr. Rosita Rivera)
The location of the first two meetings will be Chardon 121. The location for the last two meetings (in 2010) is still to be determined.
These collaborative meetings will contribute to three important aims:
- the extension of professional development hours opportunities to faculty and GTAs
- a collaboration and exchange of ideas/info/best teaching practices for emergent bilinguals across committees
- and especially in this time of institutional cutbacks, the implementation of simultaneously occurring cross-committee meetings will save Course Coordinators, Faculty, and GTAs valuable time and prevent the repetition of information across committees
CEP hours for each of these workshops will be offered, thus contributing to, and extending the possibilities for, routine professional development among all faculty members and GTAs in the English Department. Please click here for the official flyer for this event and feel free to print, post, and/or distribute as needed