This resource is informed by the Graduate Handbook, and Certification 09-09 (09-09 amendments, Certification 10-45, Certification 15-21, and Certification 20-94). and our TESOL Certificate and is designed as a practical guide to successfully navigating your graduate studies towards your future career goals.
Timeline to Graduation
- First Semester
- Forms: Letter for validating courses, TESOL Certificate Application form
- Recommended courses: Research Methods, deficiencies (if applicable), core courses, electives.
- Actions: Get to know the faculty and their research areas and start thinking about thesis or comprehensive exam.
- Second Semester
- Forms: Letter for validating courses, Plan of Study.
- Recommended courses: deficiencies (if applicable), core and elective courses, Thesis or Independent Research.
- Actions: Assemble your thesis/comprehensive exam committee (see resource).
- Third Semester
- Forms: Comprehensive Exam Form or Thesis proposal (recommended), Apply for graduation (optional)
- Recommended courses: Core and Elective courses, Thesis or Independent Research.
- Actions: You should be writing and/or studying for Comprehensive Exam.
- Fourth Semester
- Forms: Thesis Defense Form, , Apply for graduation (optional)
- Recommended courses: Thesis, other courses (if necessary).
- Actions: Schedule a date and time for your thesis defense or comprehensive exams. Work with your committee towards a defense draft of your thesis.
- Fifth Semester and beyond
- Forms: Thesis Defense Form, GTAship extension form
- Recommended courses: Thesis, or INTD 6015: Comprehensive Exam, other courses (if necessary).
- Actions: Schedule a date and time for your thesis defense or comprehensive exams. Work with your committee towards a defense draft of your thesis.
- How long is too long?
- Certification 09-09. (TL;DR : 6 years)
- Tuition exemption ends after 3 years. Assistantships cannot be extended beyond 6 semesters (you can add one more year with external funding)
- Things we’d rather you didn’t need: suspension, probation, readmission, second admission