Prontuarios de Cursos Subgraduados

BIOL 3010Cell Physiology
BIOL 3061General Biology I
BIOL 3062General Biology II
BIOL 3063General Biology I Lab
BIOL 3064General Biology II Lab
BIOL 3055Bibliography and Library Research in Biological Sciences
BIOL 3125Principles of Ecology
BIOL 3146Economic Botany
BIOL 3206Principles of Microscopy
BIOL 3225Biology of Sex
BIOL 3300Genetics
Biol 3300LGenetics Lab
BIOL 3417Plant Organismal Biology
BIOL 3425Animal Organismal Biology
Biol 3425LAnimal Organismal Biology Lab
BIOL 3435Elementary Botany
BIOL 3715Anatomy and Physiology (para el programa de Enfermería)
BIOL 3716Anatomy and Physiology Laboratory (para el programa de Enfermería)
BIOL 3725Microbiology (para el programa de Enfermería)
BIOL 3745An Introduction to Medical Mycology
BIOL 3745LAn Introduction to Medical Mycology Lab
BIOL 3770General Microbiology
BIOL 3775Aerobiology
BIOL 3785Introducction to Micology
BIOL 4005History of Biology
BIOL 4008Immunology
BIOL 4015General Zoology
BIOL 4016Histology
BIOL 4025Man and the Ecosystem
BIOL 4027Introduction to Vertebrate Embryology
BIOL 4335 (español/ inglés)Evolution
BIOL 4039Plant Biotecnology
BIOL 4355Human Genetics
BIOL 4365Microbial Ecology
BIOL 4366Food Microbiology
BIOL 4367Industrial Microbiology
BIOL 4368Microbial Physiology
BIOL 4369Practice in Industrial Microbiology
BIOL 4375Clinical Microbiology
BIOL 4376Freshwater Biology
BIOL 4426Animal Parasitology
BIOL 4428General Ornithology
BIOL 4446Introduction to Entomology
BIOL 4465Taxonomy of Vascular Plants
BIOL 4467Comparative Vertebrate Anatomy
BIOL 4505Human Physiology
BIOL 4556Comparative Vertebrate Physiology
BIOL 4557Comparative Vertebrate Physiology Laboratory
BIOL 4607Marine Ecosystems of Puerto Rico
BIOL 4735Microbiology of Water and Sewage
BIOL 4746Economic Mycology
BIOL 4761Anatomía Humana I
BIOL 4762Anatomía Humana II
BIOL 4778Dairy Bacteriology
BIOL 4901-4902Special Problems in Zoology
BIOL 4925Seminar
BIOL 4991Special Topics in Biology Laboratory
BIOL 4993Special Topics in Biology I
BIOL 4994Special Topics in Biology II
BIOL 4998Coop Practice
CIBI 3031Biological Sciences I
Cibi 3031LBiological Sciences I Lab
CIBI 3032Biological Sciences II
Cibi 3032LBiological Sciences II Lab

Prontuarios de Cursos Subgraduados Avanzados

(Estos cursos también pueden ser matriculados por estudiantes del Programa Graduado)

BIOL 5005Elementary Plant Anatomy
BIOL 5007General Plant Morphology
BIOL 5009Pteridology
BIOL 5016Plant Evolution
BIOL 5017Tropical Bryology
BIOL 5018Plant Physiology
BIOL 5038Biological Applications of Remote Sensing and Geographical Information Systems
BIOL 5045Scanning Electron Microscopy
BIOL 5055Eukaryotic Molecular Genetics
BIOL 5056Eukaryotic Molecular Genetics Laboratory
BIOL 5057Introduction to Biological Sequence Analysis
BIOL 5116Molecular Basis of Eukaryotic Cell Signaling
BIOL 5117Celular and Molecular Biology of Cancer
BIOL 5226Genetics and Evolution of Human Populations
BIOL 5399Eukaryotic Human Annotations
BIOL 5416Herpetology
BIOL 5417Icthyology
BIOL 5585Medical and Veterinary Entomology
BIOL 5755Virology
BIOL 5758Bacterial Genetics
BIOL 5760Bacterial Genetics Lab
BIOL 5765Mycology
BIOL 5815Animal Behavior
BIOL 5955Introduction to Research Methods in Ecology
BIOL 5990Field Biology Workshop