Una demostración corta de el último teorema de Fermat (para polinomios no constantes!)

Dr. Álvaro Lozano-Robledo, Universidad de Connecticut Mar-16-2023, 10:30 am Abstract– El “último” teorema de Fermat fue propuesto por Fermat en una nota famosa en los márgenes de un libro, alrededor de 1635. Desde entonces, muchos, muchos matemáticos han intentado encontrar la demostración de Fermat, pero una demostración corta nunca ha sido encontrada. La primera demostración…

Atomicity and the Ascending Chain Condition on Principal Ideals

Felix Gotti, Massachusetts Institute of Technology Date: Wednesday, February 22, 5:00 pm. Abstract An integral domain R is atomic if each nonzero nonunit of R factors into irreducibles. Also, an integral domain satisfies the ascending chain condition on principal ideals (ACCP) if every increasing sequence of principal ideals (under inclusion) becomes constant from one point…

Primary decompositions

Irena Swanson, Purdue University Date: Thursday, February 23, 10:30 am. Abstract Primary decompositions are a basic tool in commutative algebra, but they also arise in other contexts. In this talk I will discuss some connections with algebraic geometry, partial differential equations, algebraic statistics, and computational complexity. Determinants of n x n matrices can be computed…

Ballistic Annihilation

Dr. Matthew Junge – December 6, 2022 – 10:30 am – FB Abstract In the late 20th century, statistical physicists introduced a chemical reaction model called ballistic annihilation. Particles are placed randomly throughout the real line and then proceed to move at random velocities. Collisions result in mutual annihilation. Many results were inferred by physicists,…

Last Math Colloquium – Spring 2022: Cosserat Plate Theory

Dr. Lev Steinberg – Abril 21-2022 – 10:30 am Abstract This talk will present the foundation and validation of the Cosserat Plate Theory, numerical experiments of deformation and vibration, and the unique properties of the Cosserat plates. This approach incorporares the high accuracy assumptions of the Cosserat plate deformation consistent with the Cosserat Elasticity equilibrium…