Characterization and affine equivalence of k-rotation symmetric Boolean functions.

Abstract: Rotation symmetric Boolean functions were introduced by Pieprzyk and Qu in 1999. They proved that these functions have efficient and secured cryptographic implementations. Later, in 2007, Kavut and Yucel found a function that exceed the Bent concatenation bound in this new class of functions. Concepts such as affine equivalence, Hamming weight, and nonlinearity have…

Visual Proofs

Abstract: Visualization is fundamental to mathematics. The late Fields Medalist Bill Thurston began practicing visualization every day as a first grader. We will practice our visualization and will present visual proofs from combinatorics, analysis, geometry, and topology. Important questions arise including: are visual proofs rigorous? Virtual meeting link

Identifying Outliers in Radio Astronomy Data Using the Generalized Spectral Kurtosis Estimator

Abstract: As innovation and technologies associated with man-made transmissions progress, complex and new challenges emerge in radio astronomy due to Radio Frequency Interference (RFI). Hence, novel development of software and hardware to detect and mitigate its effects on scientific data are paramount. In this talk we will discuss the successful implementation of the Generalized Spectral…

Dynamics Beyond Spacetime

Abstract Many high-energy theoretical physicists say that “spacetime is doomed,” that spacetime is not fundamental because it has no operational meaning beyond the Planck scale. In the last decade they have found structures beyond spacetime, such as decorated permutations, which predict the amplitudes for scattering processes of particles in spacetime. We show that decorated permutations…

De la maestría en UPRM al doctorado en U.S.A.

Estudiantes internacionales y de Puerto Rico, admitidos para hacer doctorado en distintas áreas, nos contarán su experiencia solicitando estudios graduados en Universidades de Estados Unidos. Nos darán recomendaciones para preparar una solicitud exitosa. Este panel es de gran valor para estudiantes que estén pensando hacer estudios graduados en USA después de terminar la maestría o…

Probabilistic solutions of fractional differential and partial differential equations and their Monte Carlo simulations

Dr. E. Suazo University of Texas, Rio Grande Valley Monday, April 3 5:30 p.m. The work in this presentation is four-fold. Firstly, we introduce an alternative approach to solve fractional ordinary differential equations as an expected value of a random time process. Using the latter, we present an interesting numerical approach based on Monte Carlo…

Numerical methods for PDE-constrained optimization problems governed by hyperbolic equations

Dr. Andreas Mang, University of Houston Mar-28-2023, 10:30 am Abstract- In this talk, we will discuss efficient numerical algorithms for the solution of PDE-constrained optimization problems governed by hyperbolic transport equations. We will consider applications in medical imaging, and, in particular, an inverse problem referred to as image registration. Here, we are given two images…