Beca Nagnoi para estudiante de CS

El estudiante Diego Rivera de nuestro Departamento del programa en Ciencias de la Computación, recibe beca de la empresa puertorriqueña Nagnoi. La empresa entregó sus primeras cinco becas del programa de ayudas que instituyó hace un año para estudiantes especializados en computación del Recinto Universitario de Mayagüez (RUM) de la Universidad de Puerto Rico (UPR).…


CS students participating in the GMiS 2022 conference

Students Jimmy Carrero Acosta and Abner Ortiz from our Department’s Computer Science program attended the Great Minds in STEM (GMiS) conference held in Pasadena California from October 5-8. Jimmy participated in the CAHSI hackathon placing 4th with his team, he also received job offers from Lockheed Martin for deep space exploration and Northrop Grumman for…


Last Math Colloquium – Spring 2022: Cosserat Plate Theory

Dr. Lev Steinberg – Abril 21-2022 – 10:30 am Abstract This talk will present the foundation and validation of the Cosserat Plate Theory, numerical experiments of deformation and vibration, and the unique properties of the Cosserat plates. This approach incorporares the high accuracy assumptions of the Cosserat plate deformation consistent with the Cosserat Elasticity equilibrium…


Actividad Cuadro de Honor 2022

El pasado viernes fue nuestra actividad del cuadro de Honor. Felicitamos a nuestros estudiantes por tan merecida distinción y les deseamos muchos éxitos en su próxima etapa. Agradecemos a los profesores y Decanos por su asistencia.

Math Colloquium – Spring 2022: Computing in Algebra

Dr. Irena Swanson – Purdue University – March 17, 2022 – 10:30 am. Abstract This talk will be about computability on abstract algebraic structures, such as on ideals and rings. The main tool in computations are Groebner bases, which were invented and developed by Bruno Buchberger in 1965 for ideals and which have since been…
