Three (3) letters of recommendation are required as part of the admission documents. The letters of recommendation will be submitted exclusively through the electronic system “Apply Yourself”.

The transcript of credits or academic record breaks down all the subjects taken with the qualifications obtained at their home university. The transcript must have the official stamps corresponding to your university and must be sent confidentially to the Office of Graduate Studies.

  • The transcript must be signed by the Registrar (or equivalent authority) of the issuing institution.
  • The envelope should be addressed to the Office of Graduate Studies.
  • If the transcript is not issued in Spanish or English, the applicant must submit an exact, clear, legible and accurate translation in English attached to the original transcript. To obtain the English translation you can contact University Language Services, Inc. (ULS) or call 1-800-419-4601 (outside the United States, 212-766-4111).

If the transcript does not include the academic degree conferred, include a degree certification in your application. If you submit your application for admission during your last semester of undergraduate studies, your admission is conditioned on you presenting official evidence that you have completed the degree. In the case of international applicants, we recommend that you apply for admission after finishing the bachelor’s degree or the equivalent degree.

Some departments require additional documents as part of your application. Please refer to the specific admission requirements for each program.

Where should I send the required documents?

As soon as the application for admission is submitted and paid, send all the required documents according to the graduate program to which you request through the postal address or by express service (physical address) to the Office of Graduate Studies.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Any official document that is received at the Office of Graduate Studies must be in the original, in a sealed envelope and stamped by the institution or agency that so processes it. International students are urged to prevent delays during the process of requesting their relevant documents by processing them two to three months prior to the date of filing their admission to our graduate programs.


Universidad de Puerto Rico
Recinto Universitario de Mayagüez
Oficina de Estudios Graduados
Edificio Celis – Oficina 111
Mayagüez, P.R. 00680
Oficina de Estudios Graduados
Recinto Universitario de Mayagüez
Mayagüez, P.R. 00681-9000