Every master’s student in Plan I (thesis-based) or Plan II (project-based), as well as every doctoral student, is required to write a research report, known as a thesis, project report, or dissertation, respectively, in order to complete their degree. Each department may adopt its own style manuals specific to the discipline, so it is advisable to consult the director or coordinator of your graduate program for the specific guidelines you should follow when writing your thesis.
Thesis, Project Report or Dissertation Writing
Any student who is enrolled in the master’s thesis plan (Plan I), with project (Plan II), or in a doctorate has to submit a proposal to their graduate committee that includes the justification, previous publications, objectives, methods and literature cited of what will constitute your graduate research. The proposal can be a relatively short document an extension of nine to thirteen pages is recommended and constitutes both your commitment and the members of your committee about the research you will conduct to obtain your degree.