Center for Aerospace and Unmanned Systems Engineering (CAUSE) is the First Center of Excellence in the Caribbean to provide a framework for broad-based, competitive, multi-institutional, multidisciplinary science and engineering research that will advance the aims of space, aeronautic, and astronautic Mission Directorates across the nation and world at large. The center will foster synergy between the following science and engineering directorates: (i) unmanned systems, (ii) aeronautic, and (iii) space. The center provides an interdisciplinary environment that enables and facilitates participants to carry out collaborative educational and research of a scope and complexity that is not possible through traditional funding models. The Center’s overall mission is to leverage our strong theoretical, computational, and experimental programs to advance the frontiers of fundamental and applied research while educating a new cadre of STEM students. We intend to create strong collaborative relationships with the current aerospace industries, centers, institutes, schools and universities.
CAUSE allows students and faculty to learn and apply concepts about flight and unmanned systems, whether in the atmosphere or space.